
About us


Author-e BV is a software company based in Eindhoven that specializes in designing, building, and hosting browser-based applications.

Our goal is to develop user-friendly and intuitive applications using suitable technology. With a team composed of domain specialists, interaction designers, programmers, helpdesk staff, and application managers, we are able to realize and continuously offer exciting innovations together with our partners.




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Our strengths



High quality
software products

Reliable solutions that meet industry standards.




User-friendly and intuitive solutions that promote successful adoption.



System integration

Bridging the gap between applications to achieve seamless interoperability.



ISO27001 & NEN7510

Standardized security for processes, systems, data, and personal information.





What our customers say

Our success story



We save time by being able to check what our partners deliver and in what format, ensuring consistency. For large projects, a tool like this is absolutely essential.


Marianne Selten

 Assistant Project Leader,

Wageningen University & Research



... another positive aspect of Author-e is that I didn't need an Excel file to generate the total budget for the project, as this is handled by Author-e. This has certainly saved time, as the entire budget is generated automatically, and it's an important advantage of using Author-e.


Alessandro Saccon, Ph.D.

 Dynamics and Control Group, Dept. of Mech.

Engineering, University of Technology Eindhoven



The Author-e suite removes the 'horror' of coordinating an H2020 application: A pre-structured document empowers your co-applicants and delegates tasks responsibly for simultaneous work, leading to a perfect outcome at the end.


Prof. dr. Harald Schmidt

Chair & Prof of Pharmacology & Personalized medicine

Faculty of Health, medicine & Life Science & MIAS, Maastricht University





 Our partners

Creating a great tool is one thing, but getting it to work for a specific market or domain is another. That’s why Author-e collaborates with partners who specialize in their respective markets and domains. Creating a great tool is one thing, but getting it to work for a specific market or domain is another. That’s why Author-e collaborates with partners who specialize in their respective markets and domains.

Since all our partners work with the Author-e Suite, they know how to implement it optimally for their clients. Furthermore, our partners work closely with us to enhance the product's applicability.





